
My name is Fazel Ali and I am currently a casual wedding photographer. My student number is 512899. I really started developing an interest in photography in 2006. The internet is awash with endless images and I was astounded at how beautiful the photos were . I think PBase was the place where I found the work of many photographers in my early searches. I wanted take pictures that looked just as magical. I quickly learned that there is an obsession with the use of equipment but a serious lack of instruction on the artistic side. This led me to Michael Freeman’s work and his extensive literature. When I found that he wrote this course I was keen to get myself enrolled. I am hoping to develop my skills in taking photos that are not only technically good, but are more original and creative. I am mindful that I may already have a ‘prejudiced’ eye as I’ve been exposed to a considerable amount of photography. I will try my best to take creatively composed images in all the work I do.


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