Fitting the frame to the subject

The parks in Tower Hamlets hide wonderful sculptures and murals. They make ideal subjects for photographs. I found an unusual example in Millwall Park near Mudchute Station.

My interpretation of a conventional viewpoint.

My interpretation of a conventional viewpoint.

I’ve tried to shoot this without much thought for composition, with the subject sitting right in the middle of the frame.

This shot was my attempt to place the subject within the context of the surrounding landscape.

This shot was my attempt to place the subject within the context of the surrounding landscape.



I’ve placed the sculpture on the right hand side of the frame, with the Canary Wharf buildings serving as a backdrop.



This is the detail shot.

This is the detail shot.


The sculpture provides an interesting surface so I zoomed into the detail. I felt this provided a decent opportunity for a detail shot.




The subject fits the frame exactly in this shot.

The subject fits the frame exactly in this shot.

This shot was fairly straightforward. The circular sculpture was a natural fit into a square frame.






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